Just seen this

Each temporary table and index is given its own page cache which can store a 
maximum number of database pages determined by the 
SQLITE_DEFAULT_TEMP_CACHE_SIZE compile-time parameter. (The default value is 
500 pages.) The maximum number of database pages in the page cache is the same 
for every temporary table and index. The value cannot be changed at run-time or 
on a per-table or per-index basis. Each temporary file gets its own private 
page cache with its own SQLITE_DEFAULT_TEMP_CACHE_SIZE page limit.

That suggests the cache for the temp table isn’t affected by setting cache_size 
at runtime and so it would seem all the above tests were run with the temp 
table cache having a default size of 500 KB. I can only guess the slower 
results were down to some work sqlite had to do within the ordinary cache and 
that was slowed down when cache_size was set to less than -500. I don’t know 

I ran the tests again using all the sqlite default settings so that temp_store 
would be 1 (i.e. FILE). The results were slower but not by much. For the temp 
table with 112 million records it slowed down by ~12%. For a temp table with 
2.4 million records it was slower by more like 33% but negligible in real time.

I also tried running the test involving the temp table with 112 million records 
in win32 with temp_store = 2 (MEMORY) to see if it would crash due to the 
restricted memory but it didn’t. It was around 12% faster than when temp_store 
= 1. I even tried setting the SQLITE_DEFAULT_TEMP_CACH_SIZE to 5 pages and then 
0 pages but it made no difference to the results.

For one last win64 test I tried setting temp_store = 2 with 
SQLITE_DEFAULT_TEMP_CACHE = 1,000,000 ( giving a temp table cache size of 1 GB) 
but it didn’t speed it up any.

Given the TEMP_CACHE_SIZE was inadequate for the temp table in all the tests I 
wonder why the SQLITE_TEMP_STORE default isn’t 2 (MEMORY) as it does seem to 
give speed gains of between 12 & 33% yet didn’t crash due to the inadequate 
size of the temp cache. As Simon said though, the OS mode of operation muddies 
the water.

Q. So, after all that what’s the conclusion Tom?

A. I don’t know Tom. ☹

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