Hi everybody, 

regarding the geopoly module in version 3.25.2 

a couple of weeks ago I wrote about the fact that the 'pragma
compile_options' command failed to display when I was trying to check
that my special build of the sqlite dll library and the command line
shell was working corrrectly. Richard Hipp's reply was to announce that
he had forgotten to fully broadcast the new module to the rest of the

Fair enough i thought,  since i was still able to test out my ideas
using the shell interface and in my SQLiteExpert program on my windows
10 pc. 

Since my previous message I have been doing some tests in 64-bit vba by
adapting code released on github by Govert: SQLiteForExcel [1] 

It has been performing well except that, to my great surprise I have
been unable to get it to create a virtual table using geopoly. 

Tonight I have documented this in a module that runs some general tests
that all succeed (creating normal tables, inserting records, and
querying the results. A simple Rtree virtual table  was also part of the
testing). The final part of my testing was to try to create a geopoly
vitual table. The prepared statement succeeded, but the step process
failed - returning 1. The extended error code was also 1, and the error
message was "no such module: geopoly" 

I guess that makes sense in one way, but it begs the question of why the
shell and my version of SQLiteExpert find a way to understand what is
required. In the meantime it seems I shall have to suspend my vba coding
until the next release where hopefully the above issue will be fixed. I
can provide my code and the library if wished. 

The last few lines from my debug printing to the vba intermediate window
is pasted below: 

--begin test with a simple geopoly virtual table----
opening an in memory database
SQLite3Open returned 0
open the rtree virtual table
sqlcmd is: 'create virtual table newtab using geopoly(a,b,c)'
SQLite3PrepareV2 returned 0
SQLite3Step failed returning 1
Extended error code is: 1
Extended error message is: no such module: geopoly
SQLite3Finalize returned 1

----forced to abandon testing since geopoly table could not be

assertion documented 


Graham Hardman. 


[1] https://github.com/govert/SQLiteForExcel
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