On 07/15/2003 08:47:14 AM Rick Reumann wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 15,'03 (02:32 PM GMT+0200), Adam wrote:
> > I designed a system where I can specify in my action which dropdown
> > lists I require with a method call. I route my failed validate
> > requests thro' the action (using the action mapping input tag) every
> > time so the call is always made, and if I specified it should be in
> > the request, the system looks in the request for the collection and if
> > it doesn't find it, it makes it. Same applies to with session and
> > application requirements.
> This did seem like the best solution if you insist on using request
> scope for your Lists on a form. It's still sort of a pain though because
> now don't you have to code for checking validation success in your
> Action class method(s) (execute or dispatch methods)? Seems like a lot
> of the power of the validation framework is you can control it all from
> config files and your Actions don't even have to worry about it. If
> insistence on request scope is mandatory, I think this above solution is
> the best one I've come across.
> --
> Rick

I also use a method call to retrieve my dropdown lists, but I gave up 
using an action as the input mapping parameter. I didn't see how I could 
implement it without putting a "returning from validation" check in there 
somewhere, and those particular "setup" actions have become complex enough 
already. I resorted to calling validate() manually in the "save" actions. 
Good or bad, it works well for my application.


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