When using the client side validation, there is always a javascript pop up box that 
says something along the lines of 'Your a thick b*stard, fill in xxx!' Our client 
requirement is that we produce a list of errors at the top of the page, (the red <UL> 
kinda thing), which rules out the use of these java script pop ups. 

Another thing that I noticed when playing with the JavaScript pop ups was that all the 
validator JavaScript, whether used or not is included in the JSP code. I ende up with 
hundreds of lines of JavaScript, including date, email and phone number validation, 
for a login for that had two elements? Is this the way it should work?

Thanks again

>  from:    Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  date:    Tue, 15 Jul 2003 13:42:34
>  to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  subject: Re: Where to build dropdown lists?
> "Rick Reumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Tue, Jul 15,'03 (01:56 PM GMT-0100), Dichotomy wrote:
> >
> > > My solution, which is perhaps not the most efficient memory-wise, is
> > > to simply put it in (and retrieve it from) the session rather than the
> > > request.
> >
> > I agree this is the best solution (using Session or Application scope).
> > I brought this topic up a long time ago and ultimately you really have
> > to use Session or Application scope if you plan to use Validation (or
> > else settle for headaches getting it to work correctly with Request
> > scope). If you use just Request scope you end up having to do
> > some'crazier'(aka annoying) things to get the lists of beans for the
> > drop downs to reset when validation fails. Search of the archives if you
> > insist on using Request scope for the form lists and you'll find ways to
> > do it, but none of them seemed worth the hassle(imo). If someone out
> > there still has a nice clean way to get these request scope Lists back
> > in scope after validation fails, I'd be interested in your solution.
> >
> > --
> > Rick
> What about the client side validation feature in the validator framework.
> This way the you won't have to populate the list at all if validation
> happens to fail because the form will not post unless it's valid.
> Dennis
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