I designed a system where I can specify in my action which dropdown lists I require with a method call. I route my failed validate requests thro' the action (using the action mapping input tag) every time so the call is always made, and if I specified it should be in the request, the system looks in the request for the collection and if it doesn't find it, it makes it. Same applies to with session and application requirements.

Having stuff in the session is not necessarily good, if the user decides to open more than one window.


Dichotomy wrote:
My solution, which is perhaps not the most efficient memory-wise, is to simply put it in (and retrieve it from) the session rather than the request. Then when I do go through the populating action, if this is a list that is liable to change often I reload it from the database. If it is a fairly static list I just check if it's already there and do nothing if it is. I guess an even better solution (for a general-usage list) would be to put it in the application-wide context, so you load it once for all users (if it's really very static). That solves the memory usage issue, and even if it's non-static you can work around the problem by making sure that you reload the list application-wide whenever it is changed.

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