Susan Bradeen wrote:
I also use a method call to retrieve my dropdown lists, but I gave up using an action as the input mapping parameter. I didn't see how I could implement it without putting a "returning from validation" check in there somewhere, and those particular "setup" actions have become complex enough already. I resorted to calling validate() manually in the "save" actions. Good or bad, it works well for my application.

I set up an action mapping called failedValidate and gave it a parameter "finished" - this would set an "action token" variable in the app's action base class. I programmed it so the action token is always one of display / insert / update / delete / other / finished. In the case of "finished", nothing happens. In all cases though, the base class makes sure the dropdown collection is there.

Since it's in my action base class, I never have to worry about programming it manually.

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