You're flailing about Randall, it's getting quite funny, if only it weren't so downright tedious.

Actually, I think the TCPR does believe their message--that doesn't make the
message correct...but that also doesn't make some of their facts incorrect,

But, if that is important that TCPR believes their message, then it is
certainly important if Mr. Gore believes his message.

LOL! You keep round and round, you've gone and gotten your trousers on back to front already.

Only so belatedly do you begin to notice the mudslingers eh? And you give them a rubber-stamp for credibility.


> Indeed it is, but the subject under discussion is about global
> warming, not about general pollution, and I think I agree with
> Michael Klare about how relevant general pollution issues are to
> dealing with global warming (not very relevant). It's about energy,
> not pollution. The attack on Gore is about energy, not pollution.
> There's a difference between broadening the discussion and
> smokescreening.

Ok. If it isn't relevant,

... "to dealing with global warming"...

then I have learned more today than I knew when I
woke up.


Posted 21 Feb 2007:
[Biofuel] Global Warming: It's All About Energy
Michael T. Klare | February 15, 2007
"When talk of global warming is introduced into the public discourse,
as in Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," it is generally characterized
as an environmental problem, akin to water pollution, air pollution,
pesticide abuse, and so on. This implies that it can be addressed -
like those other problems - through a concerted effort to "clean up"
our resource-utilization behavior, by substituting "green" products
for ordinary ones, by restricting the release of toxic substances,
and so on. But global warming is not an "environmental" problem in the same
sense as these others - it is an energy problem, first and foremost."


You can try as much as you like to write or assume
more into my statements if you so choose, but you will be wrong.

Nope, I didn't put anything into it, I exposed what was underneath it, and you've just been proving it.

I speak as loudly and clearly for AEI as you do.

I expose lies and spin and one-sided attacks that have no integrity. You are propelled by lies and spin into making one-sided attacks, and all the denial and smokescreens and overloud protests in the world won't hide it. You did just what AEI, CEI, TCPR and the rest intend. You acted from prejudice, and lent your weight to a typical right-wing smear campaign, QED.

However, it does show a lack of personal accountability for his choices
despite his stated beliefs. Once again, the messenger is getting in the way
of the message...much like the much maligned Televangelists.

I can see I'll have to put a stop to this. Your repeated attempts to align Al Gore with the likes of Jerry Falwell extend the smear beyond TCPR's wildest dreams. It's not only odious, you've now implied twice that Gore's global warming message is on a par with the televangelists' message of millennial dispensation. I think you're about as nuts as they are.

Cease and desist, no more wriggling, no more smokescreening, by order, or else.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

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