Mike Pelly wrote:

>       I ask you Robert the same questions I have asked before and the
>answer never metalizes just a lot of BS that I don't know what I'm talking
>1. Why did Shell Oil get 376 MPGs out of a 1959 Opel back in 1973? Please
>explain why, if  not on account of lightening up the car and vaporizing the
>fuel as they attested to back than, why did they achieve this type of gas

    People have answered that question.  You don't want to hear the 
answer.  The test was done in a highly specialized environment, with a 
car that wouldn't be considered safe on the road.

>2. If modern engines are so damn efficient, then why is there the need for a
>catalytic converter?

    It's for emissions purposes.  The accumulated filth of millions of 
cars creates pollution problems, but the VAST majority of all the energy 
in fuel is burned.

>Bonus question, why did the exhaust from our 1971
>Datsun, we ran on vaporized gasoline smell identical to the exhaust from a
>propane powered car?

    I don't have a problem with that.  It's the outlandish claim that 
vaporized gasoline can return hundreds of MPG in a REAL car that I 
disagree with.

>       Lastly robert luis rabello, Where in the past did we have any
>conversation having anything to do with this subject? I only posted this
>info here last week.

    Oh, I'm sure we've talked about this before.

>       I don't care how much you think you might know about propane it's
>pretty obvious that either you do not know anything about vaporized gasoline
>beyond whatever line you have been fed or Your just a dupe for the oil
>companies. Answer for me the two questions above.

    Why the insults, Mike?  I'm writing from actual experience.  I've 
built engines for gasoline AND propane.  I've built a fuel injection 
computer for my truck, and I DO understand how the system works.  Why do 
you dismiss my practical experience in this realm?

    You might be smarter than I am, and that would be ok.  But are you 
smarter than Sir Harry Ricardo was?  Do you have something informative 
to say to Mr. Carnot?

>        Global Climate change and starvation is here and only getting worse
>and if your not up to rolling up your sleeves and doing some positive
>actions to address these problems than stay the hell out of the way and quit
>you pompous pontificating.    

    We're discussing an issue here.  I've heard these outlandish claims 
for "vapor carburation" many times before.  Part of the reasoning behind 
it involves preserving a lifestyle where our big, heavy machines take us 
wherever we want to go, whenever we want.  That mentality lies at the 
root of the larger problems we're trying to address.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
"The Long Journey"
New Adventure for Your Mind

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