
Comments inline 

> > If the WG feels that an SSH transport will accomplish this 
> goal, and it 
> > will be used, then I'm open to having that discussion.  I 
> don't feel that 
> > documenting current tcp transports works towards that goal.
> The only concern I'd have would be syslog being _only_ UDP over ssh.
> But then if SNMP is operating in this manner, I'm much less
> about it being a problem of any kind.  If there are 4 different TCP
> transports for syslog out there, it might be worth trying to get
> to converge and be interoperable.  If the number can be reduced to 1
> or 2, and this represents a sizable portion of the syslog over TCP
> install base, I think it behooves us have that protocol published.
> This might be something to push back on the implementors of said
> protocol(s).

I am  not aware of an SSH-over-UDP standard; an SSH transport runs
over TCP. Establishing the TCP connection is part of the SSH standard.

"This document describes the SSH transport layer protocol which
   typically runs on top of TCP/IP.  The protocol can be used as a
   for a number of secure network services.  It provides strong
   encryption, server authentication, and integrity protection.  It
   also provide compression."

When SNMP runs over SSH, it is over an SSH/TCP transport. It is not
running over UDP:

> > I've heard a 
> > few voices say that they would support an SSH transport on 
> the mailing 
> > list.  Does anyone object or have a differing view?
> I'd add that we should look at supporting both TCP and UDP
> to the ssh endpoint but also, see the above.  Using ssh is clearly a
> winning proposition at this piont in time.

I don't think the SecSH WG has any plans to run SSH over UDP at this

David Harrington

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