> From: "nad wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "nad wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 20:17:11 +0000
> Subject: Re: t-and-f: My favortie sport to pick on
> But why is it 
> that most people hate running so much?  it seems like the only people that
> run, or even respect the sport (besides 30+ year olds trying to get into
> shape) are other track and field people or former t&fers.  everybody else
> HATES track and field.  How many times have i heard "70 miles in a week??? i
> don't even drive that far."  i seriously doubt that one.
> On Christmas Eve I was doing a hill workout where i ran by a group of kids 8
> times.  They yelled stuff at me every time i ran by.  On the last repeat a
> middle aged woman screamed something too.  What is the deal?  If i were
> walking down the street with a basketball this wouldnt have happened.
> I could understand if I were wearing short shorts or tights, but i was
> wearing normal running pants, a long sleeve, hat and gloves.
> The kids, who were really creative, alternated between chants of "run
> forrest run" and "faggot".  The only positive from all this was hearing 4 or
> 5 eight year olds yelling.  They sounded like little girls yelling at me.
> pretty funny.>>

Sciatica has kept me from running for 20-odd years, but in all the years of
roadwork that I did, I don't recall ever once having anybody yell at me.

Is Dan's experience a regional thing, or just another sign of modern
society's breakdown in civility? (although I'm not sure "run forrest run"
isn't meant in good taste)


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