on 12/31/02 3:33 PM, ghill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This sounds so crazy I think I must be making it up, but did I read
> somewhere once (urban myth?) that there's some kind of "inherent targeting
> mechanism" in the brain that actually leads drivers in certain cases to
> swerve towards people (not just runners) on the side of the road? Not with
> any malice; sort of a can't-help-it thing.
> gh

Could be, but last week I had a driver swerve AWAY from me half a lane,
putting his wheels right on the line of slush down the middle of the lane,
and creating a wave of water and dirty snow that nailed me before I was a
mile into my run. I'm sure it was funny to watch.
Jim Gerweck
Runnng Times

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