On Mon 2023-10-23 00:25:21 +1100, Yuchen Pei wrote:

> On Thu 2023-10-19 21:47:28 +1100, Andrew Harvey wrote:

>>  I found the process was only using Vicmap data from last year, so I've
>> updated that. The URL it's using should be serving new data every week but
>> I'm not sure it was not happening previously.

> This is the URL
> https://s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/cl-isd-prd-datashare-s3-delivery/Order_FDBZT5.zip

> Is it from the DELWP? Do they say that the data is supposed to be
> updated weekly?

> Also, could you share the order details, including name, ID, Projection,
> Buffer, File Format and Area? It would help make the whole process more
> reproducible, starting from the source (the DELWP Vicmap Address page).
> Otherwise we wouldn't know how to get an url from DELWP serving the same
> kind of files.

Here's an order I made:

Name: Vicmap Address
ID : b9e9146d-8378-5c37-b6cd-63e3a8d05d02
Projection : Geographicals on GDA2020
Buffer : No buffer
File Format : ESRI File Geodatabase
Area : Whole dataset
Download URL: 

Judging from the URL having the same pattern I assume the URL in the
Makefile is the original one.

Though I still don't know whether the specifications of this order
matches those of yours.

The only parameters I am not sure are Name and Buffer.

> [... 35 lines elided]


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