Sounds like you have 2 issues here?
1. someone has created a way (probably from a GPS recorded walk) with no
regard for the fact that some (or all) of the ways were already in OSM, and
2. how those ways are named?

Issue 1: I have come across this from time-to-time and it is a p-i-t-a
fixing it up - but has to be done.  This involves deleting the new way where
a way already existed, creating new ones where they don't, then creating the
route relation.

Issue 2: Is also something I come across with the Munda Biddi Trail and
Bibbulmun Track in WA.  Original mappers of these ways and relations have in
some cases named (for example) a forestry fire trail "Munda Biddi Trail"
because the Munda Biddi uses the existing way.  I don't believe this is
correct and usually delete the name off the way.  However, when a new piece
of single-trail has been built just for the Munda Biddi, I believe it *is*
correct to name that way Munda Biddi Trail.


> HI,
> On some paths route signs have been used to 'name' the path.
> One example is the 'Great North Walk', a Sydney to Newcastle walking
> where many of the paths existed before the route was created. I think this
is a
> combination of mistaking the route signage as the track name and route
> relations not rendering.
> In the Blue Mountains some paths have more than one OSM way - each with
> different 'name', at least some of these are routes that may, I repeat
may, not
> be the true path name.
> Example
> Way 1199677262 - 'Grand Clifftop Walk'
> Way 22761613 - 'Overcliff Track' Note NPWS route 'Overcliff-Undercliff
track' ..
> the over cliff track is mapped separately in OSM. A route relation could
> made with both these tracks and a website link..
> --------------------------
> In the Blue Mts where there are overlayed ways and one of them is a route
> think it would be best to remove that way and include the remaining way in
> route relation .. I think most of this is the 'Great Cliff Top Walk' route
and that
> would then remove the double overlayed ways. .
> Thoughts/comments ???

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