On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 20:27, Ben Laenen <benlae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Benoit Leseul wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:18, Luc Van den Troost <luc.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > [...]
>> > Comunities are made up of people, not of area. So putting
>> > communitie-borders on the map is kind of insane.
>> In terms of boundaries, the belgian constitution defines four
>> linguistic areas ("régions linguistiques"/"taalgebieden") but not
>> communities as geographical entities.
>> See Art. 4 :
>> http://www.senate.be/doc/const_nl.html#t1
>> http://www.senate.be/doc/const_fr.html#t1
>> http://www.senate.be/deutsch/const_de.html#t1
>> They are all contained into regional boundaries and are identical to
>> the regions except for the "deutsche Sprachgebiet".
>> I think that's what should be mapped at that level (be it 4 or 5) and
>> it would solve the overlap problem.
> The idea was to map the communities according to those language areas. If
> everyone agrees to map these language areas instead of communities, fine by
> me, but I just thought it would be odd to see something like "région bilingue
> de Bruxelles-Capitale - tweetalige gebied Brussel-Hoofdstad" appear on the
> map,

Sure it's not pretty, but possibly less odd than overlapping areas and
bigger sublevels than their upper counterparts.
Maybe the name could be reduced to something like "Région de
Bruxelles-Capitale - Brussel-Hoofdstad" since the bilingual aspect can
be implied by the double name.

> and because it then looks like the maps you can find on
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communities,_regions_and_language_areas_of_Belgium
> which are the maps everyone learns it with at school as well.

That's probably an oversimplification, the maps are showing competence
areas, not areas per se.
Also, I don't know that any OSM renderer shows overlapping areas with
a hatched texture.

But yeah, "It's complicated" and I'm not sure everyone would agree one
way or another.
It will look strange and complex in both cases, but so is reality :)


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