What are "towns" and "suburbs" in Belgium ?

In Liège, as far as I know, old communes are now the name of some
"quartiers" (i do not know the word in english). If I would map them, I
would use the disctrict/deelgemeentes/section level... But maybe I am

But I do not know about any examples of town or suburb...

I do not understand also the link between the tag place=* and admin_level=*.
I think that, in Belgium, we should have to set a place "town" inside a
admin_level "municipalities" because there isn't any official "town"...

For instance: create a relation "boundary=administrative +
admin_level=(municipalities: 7 or 8)" and, inside, a "place=city" if it is
more than 100.000 inhabitants, "place=town" if the municipality counts
between 10.000 and 100.000 inhabitants, ...

But this is a bit unclear for me...

2011/6/8 Maarten Deen <md...@xs4all.nl>

> On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 11:22:28 +0200, Andre Engels wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Maarten Deen <md...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>>  Don't have much time to reply, so a short one:
>>>> Always look at the country specific page to get the answers. The
>>>> international
>>>> page is just there for some "guiding", but the countries have to make
>>>> their
>>>> own rules. As is the case for Belgium.
>>>> country: level 2
>>>> regions: level 4
>>>> communities: level 5
>>>> provinces: level 6
>>>> arrondissements: level 7
>>>> municipalities: level 8
>>>> district/deelgemeentes/sections: level 9
>>> Then why is this information not on the international page? There is
>>> absolutely no reason to have conflicting information on a wiki.
>>> In this list I am missing single towns. A municipality consists of
>>> multiple
>>> towns. Should it not be: municipality:8, town:9,
>>> district/deelgemeentes/sections:10?
>>> I assume 10 can be used for sububurbs/wijken too? (does Belgium have that
>>> concept like the Netherlands?)
>> 'Deelgemeente' in Belgium is a different concept than in the
>> Netherlands. They are former municipalities, which in the 1960s or
>> 1970s have fused into larger municipalities. Thus, a
>> deelgemeente/district/section is more like a town than like a wijk.
> Ok, I've also looked at wikipedia, to me it seems that from low admin_level
> to high it should be:
> - Municipality (Gemeente/Commune)
> - Deelgemeente/district
> - Town
> - Suburb (Wijk)
> That would then suggest that everything from region down should be dropped
> one admin_level:
> country: level 2
> regions: level 3
> communities: level 4
> provinces: level 5
> arrondissements: level 6
> municipalities: level 7
> district/deelgemeentes/sections: level 8
> town: level 9
> suburb: level 10
> Or start using admin_level=11.
> Maarten
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