On 04/05/2011 14:13, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
Hello Peter,

I would say the most important thing with official rights of way is to
tag them with designation=public_footpath, public_bridleway,
public_byway or restricted_byway (as appropriate). The designation tag
is AFAIK generally regarded these days as the most definitive indication
of rights of way status. Freemap (free-map.org.uk) will only render
paths with a designation tag in colour; all other paths are rendered as
black lines - but more importantly it makes the data unambiguous.

I agree that designation is the most important bit. The rest of the tags are too variable to give a consistent message.

There seems to be agreement as to what the desingation tag means and what the possible values are, even if it isn't (wasn't?) used in many places.

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