On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 10:27 AM, stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:
>> I don't know who's doing that work in Columbia on the Interstates, but
>> they are doing it wrong unfortunately.  While the ways aren't "tainted"
>> anymore, all of the nodes are still.  Meaning that once the bot gets
>> unleashed, the highways will still get "fucked-up".  It seems that they are
>> just starting a new way and connecting each old node to the new way without
>> at least moving the old node, which means if Lar created the node and nobody
>> has moved it since, it still will get deleted and mess up the highway
>> alignment.
> Doh!  In my haste to "untaint ways," it is entirely possible this is exactly
> what I am doing, too.  I'm using a rapid editing technique which does
> untaint ways, but which after reading your comment, it appears I am leaving
> points still tainted.  OSM Inspector is helpful in seeing the "error of my
> ways" (uh, of error of the POINTS) and I fear that I am not the only one
> making this mistake.  Thank you for calling this to our attention.
> This makes what is "simply tedious" border on the realm of "utterly
> overwhelming."
> EVERY SINGLE POINT?  Ugh!  (Why does so much have to be difficult?)

I think I saw a little of this along a coastline last night as well.
In this case all nodes connecting coastline ways were clean and some
in the middle of the way were clean too. So I just selected a way, ran
the licesnse plugin against it, selected all dirty nodes and deleted
them. Then I used the improve way accuracy mode in JOSM (w) to retrace
any missing nodes to fit the geometry to bing imagery. Same technique
might be useful for interstates too.


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