On 14 April 2012 03:30, John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com> wrote:
> One drawback to this new-coordinate technique is that, in some cases, the 
> tainted nodes will have been in the proper locations to match the real world. 
>  So, in order to make the cleanup bot not consider the nodes to be tainted, 
> we have to knowingly make the map data less accurate than it had formerly 
> been.

It also will remain tainted, only the bot will not know about it and
consider it untainted.  So it's a way to trick the bot and potentially
put the OSM Foundation under legal risk.

This is why the remapping effort before the bot run is finished, is a
Really Bad Idea.  It is both more time costly and it is provoking
users to cause incompatible IP to be preserved over the license
change, often unconsciously.  See all the ideas of using the
incompatible IP to create the new "compatible IP", such as using the
tainted coastlines data to remap small islands.  (RichardF said he
does not agree it's a bad idea, but he wouldn't explain which point he
disagrees with or why)


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