On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:30 PM, John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com> wrote:
> One drawback to this new-coordinate technique is that, in some cases, the 
> tainted nodes will have been in the proper locations to match the real world.

Probably not.  Every source we rely upon is wrong in one way or
another.  And differing sources never agree completely.  So you might
move a node in a way that agrees-less with aerial imagery.  Try
another zoom level; the imagery probably won't agree with itself at
z-1.  Or check a GPX track; it'll be different again.

> So, in order to make the cleanup bot not consider the nodes to be tainted, we 
> have to knowingly make the map data less accurate than it had formerly been.

Again, probably not.  If you really don't want to move a node, you can
delete it and create a new one.  Or contact the mapper and see if
they'll agree to CT/ODbL :-)

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