On 6/4/13 12:29 PM, John F. Eldredge wrote:
Any source should be double-checked in person, if possible.  Even aerial 
photography may be out of date.  I once did research into the history of the 
neighborhood where my parents were living, and found that for the first twenty 
years or so after the neighborhood was developed, the city street maps showed 
the originally-proposed street layout rather than what was actually built.

a more recent example: over the past 4 years there has been extensive construction
along Congress & Ferry Streets in Troy NY here:


on two occasions i updated OSM to match the reconfiguration of the junction of
Ferry, Congress and 8th Avenue, and twice helpful armchair mappers realigned
it to match obsolete aerial imagery. i ended up putting README tags on the
affected ways warning that the aerial imagery was out of date.

the bing imagery is now current for that intersection, but it remains outdated
for the intersection of Congress & Pawling further to the east.


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