> From: Richard Fairhurst [mailto:rich...@systemed.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 7:36 AM
> To: talk-us@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Google maps source
> Rick Marshall wrote:
> > If we use bing imagery for tracing the road geometry, but Google Maps
> > to discover the name of the road is it incorrect to use source=google?
> > You are not tracing a road geometry from Google Maps, but you might be
> > using it for other attribute data.
> _Do_not_copy_ANYTHING_from_Google_Maps_.
> From the terms you agreed to on sign-up:
> "Your contribution of data should not infringe the intellectual property
> rights of anyone else. If you contribute Contents, You are indicating
> that, as far as You know, You have the right to authorize OSMF to use
> and distribute those Contents under our current licence terms."

In addition to the legal agreement between contributors and the OSMF and the
copyright FAQs, the Google Maps terms deal with copying from Google into
some other database, prohibiting not only derivative works but explicitly
prohibiting "[using] [Google Maps] to create a database of places."

In some cases Google may be using imagery from a third party in which case
they would also be involved, and some imagery companies have been aggressive
in protecting their rights.

If someone has copied Google or other sources that are not permitted they
should come clean, to the DWG if necessary. It is less messy to clean things
up sooner than later.

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