Mike N <nice...@att.net> writes:

>> If you consider an urban search and rescue team's mission, and a large
>> scale event, buildings on a map can be extremely helpful for planning
>> and operations where the accountability of many directed searches of
>> structures is imperative.
>   That's good information - I sometimes wonder if there's a use for
> buildings in OSM other than GIS queries for average household square
> footage.

In Massachusetts, we have basically full building coverage from an
import several years ago (with a large number of us checking data before
uploading) of LIDAR-derived outlines from MassGIS.  They have been much
more useful than I thought they would be; you can spot missing roads
(not so much now as they've been added) and tell what areas are houses
and what appears empty.  Driveways going to houses can be used for
navigation and now we have addresses on a lot of buildings.  They are
useful for orientation when in the woods and you can see them.

(And agreed that it's great that different people add different things;
around me OSM is the best overall dataset if you don't care about
finding random business POIs.)

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