Eugene Alvin Villar <seav80 <at>> writes:

[Flickr now refers to OSM ids]

>The big problem I see is that our node, way, and relation IDs are too brittle
>for this sort of thing.

Agreed.  Or at least, you cannot expect them to be around forever.  But at
least they aren't reused, so if an id still exists on the map it's pretty
likely to stay representing the same real-world thing.

>I wish OSM has a "redirect" feature for deleted nodes, ways, and relations
>sort of like what Wikipedia has for its articles and pages. Maybe a redirect=*

A manual redirect tag would never work - about 1% of contributors would bother
to add it, and even then messing with id numbers by hand is error-prone.
Rather, if an object is marked as deleted, return its last position and perhaps
the changeset id that deleted it.  Then with only a small amount of manual 
somebody can track down the replacement object.

Ed Avis <>

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