On 5 August 2010 16:44, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> On the other hand, doing "1" in the above, is relatively cheap; we could do
> that ourselves at any time by, say, allowing users to log in to OSM with any
> OpenID credentials (just like we do on help.openstreetmap.org).  I guess we
> might even do that one day if we get the messaging and license stuff sorted
> out but we're not ready for that.

So why do you do this, then Nearmap could setup an openid system at
their end and problem solved...

> If you were to decide to actually send your users to create an account with
> OSM, you'd also be saving time because you would no longer have to be the

It's obvious that they don't care about saving their time, they want
to save their users time, so they don't see this as a barrier, where
as sending users to OSM is a barrier, and as for people signing up for
new accounts every day, there was studies produced in the past about
how this can result in lost sales, so people aren't willing to do this
as much as you think they will.

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