On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Jiang Wu wrote:

> > They need to be fixed. A threaded version of Tcl and a stub enabled
> > extension will need to be the "minimum requirement" if you want to
> > use Tcl Blend.
> Yes, they may be fixed in the future.  Though I can't stop working waiting
> for them to be fixed.  So I have to work with what I can get today.

Which means getting them working in threaded Tcl, right?

> The point I was making is that having everyone compiling
> Tcl/TclBlend/extensions is big waste of time.  Ideally, people can download
> and use so that they can focus on developing solutions using the tools
> rather than worrying about compiling the tools.  But I guess that is as much
> a wishful thinking as hoping that the extensions will be fixed to be
> thread-safe.

Binary downloads just don't work. I tired over an over again
during the 1.2 process. People would complain that they did
not want to compile, so I put up a binary version. Shock
and horrors, people could not get that to work either.
A binary has all sorts of problems, mismatched versions
of Tcl, the JVM, wrong env settings, and so on.

I think the best approach is to just lock down Tcl Blend
so that it only builds with a Thread enabled Tcl. People
are going to need to download an build Tcl and Tcl Blend,
there is just no way around it. It would be better to
just work on the "Tcl SDK" idea, a common build environment
would make things a lot easier.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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