Judy wrote:
>> The way Mormons evangelize is more along the lines of
>> the apostles, going out two by two and talking to people 
>> in their homes with their permission where there are no 
>> distractions and they are a captive audience.
>> Bad message but good method.

> Which is why I am surprised at the length/depth some 
> protesters will go to humiliate those they intend to 
> convert.  I've never  understood that mentality.  
> Do such methods really work in any small measure at 
> all? I can only think they may occasionally gain a 
> convert, but it sure seems to me that it is the wrong
> method of doing it.  For all the effort some protesters 
> put into it, I would think they turn off far more people 
> than they convert.  But, that is just the opinion of an 
> outsider. How about some of you street preachers who 
> are closer to the action.......Do such tactics pay off 
> in the long run?

I think you would be surprised by the number affected.  I heard from the
New York team that went to Utah for the Olympics and two of the
subsequent Mormon conferences a report of 52 Mormons converting to
Christianity.  This was for an 8 month period which involved three
"hits."  The best I could determine, this result far exceeded the
efforts of James White's team which dresses like Mormons and passes out
tracts and seeks to engage in amiable intelligent discussions.

Despite profitable results like this, the confrontational ministry is
considered primarily a plowing ministry.  People will write to us many
years later and say, "I just got saved and want to let you know that
what you said xx years ago just stuck in me for years and I could not
get over it and now I believe in Jesus and am just like you."  Sometimes
people are extremely convicted for how they responded to a holiness
message.  One man, Patrick Johnston, who use to be on this list, was
saved through a campus preacher being confrontational with him about his
hypocrisy.  He thought he was a good Christian guy, but he was living in
sin.  His reaction to the campus preacher shamed him and he eventually
came to believe.  He is now a very active campus preacher himself and a
medical doctor too.

The greatest encouragement to keep preaching in this fashion, however,
is the Spirit of the Lord himself.  I cannot explain to you the grace
and glory that rests upon us the day following an effective preaching
situation.  It seems like the more we might suffer humiliation and
reproach, the more the glory of God rests upon us and sanctifies us.  I
don't know how to describe this or explain it, but it surely is
something that impresses me with the necessity to press forward despite
the persecution and turmoil that such a ministry brings. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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