David Miller wrote:

> The greatest encouragement to keep preaching in this fashion, however,
> is the Spirit of the Lord himself.  I cannot explain to you the grace
> and glory that rests upon us the day following an effective preaching
> situation.  It seems like the more we might suffer humiliation and
> reproach, the more the glory of God rests upon us and sanctifies us.

DAVEH:  As I see it, DavidM.......you've got that a little backward.  It is the 
protesters who often times are dishing out the humiliation for others to suffer.  If 
you think the "glory of God rests upon us and sanctifies us" for such unChristian
behavior, I sadly believe you are mistaken.     :-(

>  I don't know how to describe this or explain it, but it surely is
> something that impresses me with the necessity to press forward despite
> the persecution and turmoil that such a ministry brings.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Dave Hansen
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