From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

TPW: We are the end result of long and tedious process 
known as evolution. But to me evolution doesn't disprove the 
existance of the Gods (nor does it prove it either)!

jt: I'm always amazed when ppl swallow Darwinism hook, line, and
sinker.  Have you thought it out TPW?

tpw: You see, it took eons for man to come about. Whatever or 
whomever sparked the process, it is rather irrelevant. It's what shaped 
us. It's like the tool of a sculptor. Who cares what it was, it's more 
how it was used that would be an issue.

jt: Why is it irrelevant? I always wanted to know how I came to be.
If evolution is our origin then why are there not different stages in
evidence today? Why don't we see the process in motion so to speak
kind of like a tadpole evolving into a frog. I have always wondered
that from the first time I heard this 'theory'

tpw: My own view on it is that The Gods may have just shaped the 
course of man at one time to see if they could make beings who 
could be as they, thinking, sentient. Why? Who knows. Doesn't matter.

jt: So you think there was some supernatural assistance, but that it was
gods rather than The Great God Almighty who actually spoke the worlds 
into existence by the Word of His Power.

tpw: We are here and that's what counts.

jt: Counts for what? What do you mean?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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