On 16/07/2012 at 16:40, "J.A. de Vries" <hdv.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried changing my SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN value from gen (generic X11) to
> kde and gtk and voila the compose key has magically reappeared. Great!

Glad I could help :) .

> However, now I am faced with another problem. This made me remember why
> I choose "gen" in the first place. If I use either "kde" or "gtk" some
> widgets (notably comboboxes and menu spearators) in the UI become very
> coarse and ugly (which I could live with if necessary) and in some cases
> even unusable (which is more problematic).

Could you post example screenshot (please note that this mailing list does not 
allow attachments, so you must use some web page or FTP)?
Also, what Qt/KDE theme do you use? What color scheme?
As far as I know, LO really doesn't like dark color schemes.

Do you have similar issues on LO from repository (BTW, the are co-installable, 
at least on Debian)?
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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