Op dinsdag 22 mei 2007, schreef fREW:

> I figured it out and if anyone else has this problem I am sending out
> the solution.  Basically when I run vi it is running vim.tiny.
> vim.tiny sources /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny, not /etc/vim/vimrc, also,
> vim.tiny is pretty crippled, in that it doesn't even have syntax
> highlighting, so consider whether that's even what you want.

Actually, if I run vi (not vim), I definitely don't want 
a 'full-featured' vim (modeline exploits etc), and expect vim to run 
in 'compatible mode' (or whatever vi implementation is the default on 
my system). (my shell config aliases vi to vim, if it's available, but 
only as a normal user)

Setting the defaults in /etc/vim/vimrc is, in my opinion, not 'the right 
way', it's what ~/.vimrc is for.

And, just out of curiosity, does vim.tiny parse ~/.vimrc, or does it 
(only?) look at ~/.vimrc.tiny as well?


Peter Palm

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