I think AP's success is more likely due to the pre-treatment protocol and
H2 pressure during time of excess heat, rather than just the "fuel mix" or
the heater coil fields.  Notice in AP's latest reported experiment that the
fuel was soaked at 500-600C for about 8 days as pre-treatment.  The H2
pressure was relieved to be 1 bar absolute or less.  Then when AP heated
above the melting point of Li-H and Al, he got XH.  Pre-treatment and H2
pressure are critical parameters to get this to work.  In the early days, I
don't think Brian (nor the rest of us) knew what was important.  Parkhomov
ran a lot of failed experiments.  It was his lucky ones that leaked out the
H2 that worked in the early days without even he knowing the critical

Determining if D enrichment enhances XH will require running several
experiments with it. If you put in some small amount of the LAD and the
experiment didn't work, it might just be one of the ones that didn't work
for some other reason.  You might need a series of blind experiments to see
statistically if all of the LAD enriched ones failed and the LAH
experiments worked (at least some of the time).  And, it needs to be run by
someone who has had success with Ni+LAH.

As we have all seen in this field, failed quasi-replications don't mean

On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> *From:* Bob Higgins
> Mathieu Valat has some LiAlD4 given to him by Jean-Paul Biberian.  I asked
> Mathieu if he would be willing to send some to Parkhomov to increase the
> possibility that Parkhomov would run an experiment with D enrichment to
> look for increase in excess power.
> Bob,
> Brian Ahern tried the deuterated material. You might want to contact him
> for the details, but basically LiAlD4 did not work in his tube kiln setup,
> nor did the regualr AP mix.
> It could be that the tube kiln itself does not function well as a
> replacement for directly wound resistance wire - for an unknown basic
> reason, no matter what material is used. This could be because the electric 
> field
> of the heater wire is more important than the heat itself – or some
> combination of the two. Naturally, we have been led to think the heat is
> the key – but clearly the key is not simply heat alone.

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