Define senior citizen. senior citizen synonyms, senior citizen pronunciation, 
... curmudgeon - a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn 
ideas. hmmm


From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:angry and sad LENR comment but info too!


a.ashfield < <> > wrote:


I have maintained from the beginning it was too early to tell the performance 
of the plant until more FACTS were available


The facts are now available.



Saying that you know but it is secret doesn't wash.


All of my important secrets were revealed by Exhibit 5. There are only a few 
minor details left. You may doubt that the assertions in Exhibit 5 are correct, 
but I know that they are. If you will assume for the sake of argument this 
document tells the truth, you will see why I say Rossi is lying and his claims 
are nonsense.



  You were wrong about Vaughn not being emp;poyed by Cherokee.


That is not a technical issue. It has no bearing on calorimetry, data, or the 
instruments. I do not know why you are hung up on it, but I suggest you ignore 
it. I suggest you concentrate on facts such the fact that Rossi and Penon 
stuffed their data tables with identical & impossible numbers, and they showed 
excess power on days when Rossi in his blog said the machine was turned off. 
Think about the fact that no heat was detected coming from the pretend customer 
site. If you cannot explain these facts, and they seems to indicate fraud to 
you, that is because it is fraud.


Do not tell me these things are lies, or misunderstandings or not true. I 
expect you believe that, but it is not a valid argument to dissuade me. I know 
these things to be true. I have seen proof of various types. There is no point 
to telling me I have not. At best you should say that you are still not 
convinced Rossi actually wrote 36,000 kg in every day, including days when the 
reactor was turned off. You don't believe it. Fine, but don't tell me I should 
not believe it, because I have seen proof.



  The so called secret things that came out with Exhibit 5 all seem to have 
faded except the half full pipe.


Nothing has faded. Every claim is confirmed by Rossi's own data and by other 
eyewitness observers. The fact that Rossi & Penon never responded, even though 
valid answers would have brought them $89 million, proves beyond doubt that the 
claims are real. If there was any way to disprove them, Rossi would have.



  As I've said before only a diagram of the piping will allow an engineer to 
judge the lightly hood of problems.


Nonsense. Half full pipes are common. Anyone can tell a pipe is half full by 
watching the water fall from it, and by various other means.



  Your second hand info from Murray means nothing.  


How do you know it is second hand? Rossi's own data confirms most of it. What 
better source could there be?



Why should I believe an electronics guy employed by IH over a qualified 
independent expert like Dr. Penon?


Because it physically impossible for a flow rate to be EXACTLY 36,000 kg a day 
for months; because the flow meter was obviously unsuited to the task and an 
idiotic choice; because the pipe was half-full; because ambient temperature in 
a Florida warehouse are never EXACTLY the same for days on end . . . and for 
many other reasons. This is not Murray versus Penon, to be judged on their 
professional qualifications. This is case of blatantly fake data and a 
ridiculous travesty of a test. You don't need Murray. You, I, or anyone else 
looking at the data and the facts presented in Exhibit 5 could instantly see it 
was bullshit. I saw that in a few minutes. If you cannot see that, you are not 
a good judge of experiments or engineering.


- Jed


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