On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 5:31 PM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

More idle speculation.  Wait until Penon's report surfaces and let's see
> what he really said.

Hardly idle speculation!  Just pointing out the obvious.  It does not
appear to be obvious to you.  Once the report comes out, I suppose it will
be one of those three cases I just identified.

Presumably the flow meter goes on reading the running total and the average
> flow rate mentioned is simply the total divided by the number of days -
> less 10% that Rossi persuaded Penon to reduce the number by in order to be
> conservative.

Which would be totally ridiculous if it were being read off by hand, and
not collected with a data acquisition system.  It's also pretty silly that
there was a 10 percent discount.  What would be needed would be the
accurate raw data.


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