More idle speculation. Wait until Penon's report surfaces and let's see what he really said. Presumably the flow meter goes on reading the running total and the average flow rate mentioned is simply the total divided by the number of days - less 10% that Rossi persuaded Penon to reduce the number by in order to be conservative.

On 8/12/2016 6:04 PM, Eric Walker wrote:
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 2:59 PM, David Roberson < <>> wrote:

    So, it would not surprise me too greatly to find that Penon became
    extremely bored making the same readings day in and out until he
    placed data into the log that assumed everything continued as it
    had for many long previous periods of time.

I do not dispute your accounting of the bored meter reading technician. But this is 2016, and Rossi had 11.5 million dollars at his disposal. There's zero reason that there wasn't a fully automated data collection system in place, collecting data from all data sources at a frequency of 1 sample per second or more. I see three possibilities: (1) there was such a system in place, and IH were given some strange and inaccurate summary, provided for reasons that only Rossi knows; (2) there was no such system in place, because Penon was not the right person for the job; or (3) there was no such system in place, because Rossi interfered and prevented Penon from setting up such a system.

In all three cases, things look quite bad.


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