Until I see a patent with a claim talking about heat from a nuclear reaction at low temperatures I assume the block is still in place for America patents. I like the thought of Rossi taking a working QuarkX into the patent office and placing it on the examiner's desk...


On 8/30/2016 5:20 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net <mailto:a.ashfi...@verizon.net>> wrote:

    What I meant by secret stuff were things I didn't know.  Of course
    they would have to be identified in the patent.


    I think Rossi's patent attorney did well to get as much as he did
    past the "no cold fusion" road block.

He could have gotten anything past them. The examiner was reportedly enthusiastic and willing to grant more. Apparently, the no cold fusion roadblock has been unblocked. Although it would be prudent not to mention cold fusion in an application. There is no need to mention it.

      IN my opinion it would take a major company like Lockheed with
    political pull, plus a working model, plus good lawyers,  to get
    the patent office to change its ways.

Apparently not. Rossi and I.H. have pulled it off.

- Jed

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