My posts revised and extended as follows:

The rule of thumb for light speed signal propagation is one foot per
nanosecond. For the muon, a decay time on the average of 2.2
microseconds implies that the field of muon decay is on the order of
2,200 feet. muon decay can happen inside this 2,200 foot sphere or far
outside it based on the vagaries of radioactive decay. The muon will
not induce fusion until its energy is reduced enough to be captured by
an atom. otherwise it will pass through less dense material without

Because of entanglement, the fusion energy will be sent back to the
source of the muon as a mechanism of the way LENR works so the fusion
reaction will be hard to detect in the far field. In detail, no
neutrons or gamma will be produced or detected.

But as eros has found, if a heavy shield of lead and iron is placed in
the flight path of the muon, the muon slows down and begins to react
with atoms. Eros, a LENR experimenter with a functioning reactor began
to detect nuclear reactions just outside the heavy lead and iron
shield using a copper covered radiation counter. The dense matter is
ionized enough to slow the muon flight quickly and produce rapid
secondary nuclear reaction in the near field.

One thing that Holmlid, ME356, Eros, and Defkalion all have detected
is a high state of ionization as muons interact with matter and
ionize it. There must be a truly huge flux of muons produced by LENR
to disable electronic equipment at meters away from the LENR reaction.

If LENR is heavily deployed in a high density urban housing situation,
then a dense field of general muon interference will produce a
impossible to shield zone of electronic and electrical failure.

Ionization of tissue inside of the human body will also occur. How this
ionization will affect the activity of nerves and the function of the brain
is yet not known.

On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
> More...
> One thing that Holmlid, ME356, Eros, and Defkalion all have detected
> is a high state of ionization as muons interacted with matter and
> ionized it. There must be a huge flux of muons produced to disable
> electronic equipment at meters away from the LENR reaction.
> If LENR is heavily deployed in a high density urban housing situation,
> then a dense field of general muon interference will produce a
> impossible to shield zone of electronic and electrical failure.
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> The rule of thumb for light speed propagation is one foot per
>> nanosecond. For the muon, a decay time on the average of 2.2
>> microseconds implies that the field of muon decay is on the order of
>> 2200 feet. muon decay can happen inside this 2200 foot sphere or far
>> outside it based on the vagaries of radioactive decay.  The muon will
>> not induce fusion until its energy is reduced enough to be captured by
>> an atom. otherwise it will pass through less dense material without
>> interaction.
>> Because of entanglement, the fusion energy will be sent back to the
>> source of the muon as a mechanism of the way LENR works so the fusion
>> reaction will be hard to detect in the far field. In detail, no
>> neutrons or gamma will be produced or detected.
>> But as eros has found, if a heavy shield of lead and iron is placed in
>> the flight path of the muon, the muon slows down and begins to react
>> with atoms. Eros, a LENR experimenter with a functioning reactor began
>> to detect nuclear reactions just outside the heavy lead and iron
>> shield using a copper covered radiation counter. The dense matter is
>> ionized enough to slow the muon flight quickly and produce rapid
>> secondary nuclear reaction in the near field.
>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>>> For those who suspect that the Holmlid effect and the Mills effect are
>>> related, no matter what the proponents of each may think, here is a further
>>> thought from the fringe … about one of the possible implications. Holmlid
>>> has suggested that a very high flux of muons can be produced by a subwatt
>>> laser beam.
>>> Mills uses an electric arc and will probably offer a real demo of the
>>> Suncell® at some point. No one doubts that it works but an extended demo
>>> will be needed… therefore, even if everything seen thus far is little more
>>> than PR fluff, we could have a worrisome situation in response to a much
>>> longer demo.
>>> Since Mills is applying higher net power to reactants (even if Holmlid’s
>>> laser provides more localized power) there is a chance that some portion of
>>> the energy produced escapes the sun-cell as muons. If Holmlid gets millions
>>> of muons per watt of coherent light, what will be the corresponding rate be
>>> from an electric arc? If anything like this scenario turns out to be the
>>> accurate, then any muons produced will decay at a predictable distance away
>>> from the reactor, thus they could have been missed by BrLP in testing thus
>>> far.
>>> The muon is an unstable fermion with a lifetime of 2.2 microseconds, which
>>> is an eternity compared to most beta decays. Ignoring time dilation, this
>>> would mean that muons, travelling at light speed, would be dispersing and
>>> decaying in an imaginary sphere about 600 meters from the reactor. Thus, the
>>> effect of radioactive decay could be significant at unexpected distance– and
>>> Mills may never had imagined that this is a problem. Fortunately, humans are
>>> exposed to a constant flux of muons due to cosmic rays, and the flux is
>>> well-tolerated.
>>> Nevertheless, this detail is worth noting – and should Mills or his
>>> associates start to feel a bit ill from the exposure – possibly an
>>> unseasonal sun tan, then we can identify a culprit.
>>> The effects could be felt more in a remote office - than in the lab … which
>>> is curious.

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