Jones Beene <> wrote:

The intractable problem in cold fusion is that this "hero effort" - the
> very best result to have occurred in 28 years was itself little more than a
> yawner. People tend to forget that this result (almost 300 MJ of gain) was
> statistically very close to a null result in total (as an average) and it
> did not point the way to a useful device.

"Average" is not meaningful in this context. The experiment produced no
heat for a while, then it turned on and produced ~100 W for 30 days in one
test and 70 days in another. Computing the average including the time
before it turned on would be like computing the average speed of an
airplane including the time it is sitting at the gate and the time waiting
in line to take off.

There is no energy storage during the time before it turns on. We know
there is none because the energy balance is zero, and because you cannot
store that much energy.

- Jed

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