The so called Erosion phenomenon was discovered in a series of electrolytic
experiments marked by unexplained changes in a pool of cooling water
outside of the catalytic cell. After 40 minutes of electrolytic cell
operation, water on the tungsten anode side of the cooling vessel started
losing its transparency.

Water on the stainless steel cathode of the pool of cooling water remained
transparent, at the same 40 C temperature. A sample of bubbly water,
removed from the anode side, was tested for induced gamma radioactivity. No
such radioactivity was found in it; the sample became transparent after 24
hours. Attempts to reproduce the long-term loss of cooling water
transparency with other electrolytes, and under different electrical
discharge conditions, were not successful. But the effect was highly
reproducible when experimenting with the tungsten-anode electrolytic cell
and the 7 M KF electrolyte containing 50% of heavy water.

[image: 341fig1.jpg]

That cooling water on the outside of the electrolytic cell's glass reactor
shell at the right side (see Figure 1) is close to the anode while cooling
water on the left side is close to the cathode. The disappearance of
bubbles, after the electrolysis, was very slow (half-life of about 10 hrs).
Attempts to explain the phenomenon in terms of cavitation, and other
ultrasonic effects, were not successful. The only satisfactory explanation
was possible within the framework of the erzion model. Authors believe that
bubbles are produced through the action of neutral Erzions.


Study of the Electric Explosion of Titanium Foils in

Uranium Salts

One of the pivotal insight provided by Leonid I. Urutskoev in this study of
the nature of the LENR reaction is that transmutation occurs at a distance
and at a latter time from the source of the LENR reaction.


The key experimental results presented in this paper can

be summarized as follows.

1) The electric explosion of a titanium foil in an uranyl

salt entailed a marked distortion of the initial U isotope

distribution in the solution. The “lower” sample ( ~ 2-3

cm3) shows depletion in 235U (Rlw = 0.94  0.01), while

the “upper” sample ( ~ 10 cm3) shows a more pronounced

enrichment (Rup = 1.18  0.07).

2) The processes initiated by the electric explosion result

in a decrease in the specific concentrations of both U

isotopes but the 238U concentration decreases to a larger

extent, giving rise to “enrichment effect”.

3) At the instant of electric explosion, no induced uranium

fission is observed and no fission neutrons are detected.

4) Within 1-3 ms after the end of current pulse, gas

counters filled with 3He detected some signals having, in

all probability, electromagnetic origin.

5) At the instant of electric explosion, the 234Th secular

equilibrium in the uranyl solution was disturbed. The

most pronounced disturbance of the secular equilibrium

was observed in “lower” samples, and subsequently the

equilibrium was restored with the period T = 24.5 days.

In the “upper” samples, the 234Th equilibrium was disturbed

to a much lesser extent and the time variation was

almost missing.

6) In some experiments, -measurements of the “upper”

samples revealed disturbance of the equilibrium

between the 234Th 92.5 keV doublet and the 1001 keV

-line of its daughter product, 234mPa, i.e. within the

proper thorium decay chain.

As posited by Holmlid, LENR produces muons. This particles are highly
penetrating and will induce nuclear reactions at a distance and delayed in
time from the point of their creation. The bubbles in the Erzion phenomenon
are likely helium bubbles produced by muon catalyzed fusion. Erzions are
really muons that produce delayed nuclear reactions at a distance from
their point of creation.

The lack of gamma radiation might be explained through the entangled
connection between the muons and the source of their creation. Energy
produced by the muon induced nuclear reaction is transported back to the
source of the LENR reaction.

The Erzion experiment can be used to experimentally analyze the nature of
the LENR reaction in great detail by placing various types of shielding
between the LENR reaction and the bubble formation. The role of distance
between the muon source might be determined and muon detectors might be
used in the experiments.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:19 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> The problem with this fusion idea is that it does not explain the subset
> of LENR experiments that show fission is occurring. Can this theory explain
> fission in LENR? I don't think so.
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:13 AM, Kevin O'Malley <>
> wrote:
>> In particular, this paragraph seems to support my Balloon analogy for
>> absorbing most of the high energy emissions into the lattice.
>>     " in the Mossbauer effect, through a real effect, implicit in
>> the symmetry associated with rigid lattice translations that preserve
>> periodic order, it is possible for a lattice to “recoil” elastically, as a
>> whole, in response to a collision at a point. In the generalization of band
>> theory [19] to many-body, finite systems, the same symmetry is invoked and
>> leads to a huge degeneracy. Because indistinguishable particles are
>> involved in these systems, implicitly, additional degeneracies are also
>> present. The combined effects provide a means for particles to have
>> appreciable overlap at many, periodically displaced “points” (as discussed
>> below), simultaneously, for finite periods of time, in a manner that can
>> result in new forms of collisions in which momentum is transferred from the
>> locations where overlap can occur, rigidly to the lattice as a whole. When
>> these idealized forms of motion are initiated by collisions resulting from
>> the overlap between d’s in IBS’s, they can result in forms of coupling that
>> can cause nuclear fusion to take place in which small amounts of momentum
>> and energy from many different locations are transferred coherently to the
>> solid as a whole and subsequently transferred to many different particles
>> in a cooperative fashion. As a consequence, in agreement with experiment,
>> the associated nuclear energy is predicted to be released without
>> high-energy particles. "
>> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 12:01 AM, Kevin O'Malley <>
>> wrote:
>>> In this old thread, we discussed BECs with Edmund Storms.   He
>>> unsubscribed from Vortex soon after this interaction, hopefully I wasn't
>>> the one who drove him off.
>>> Anyways, at the time I did not have access to Chubb's theory but now Jed
>>> has uploaded his Ion Band State Theory (IBST)  paper onto
>>> It is compelling.   But I am disheartened that Jones Beene said it is
>>> above his pay grade.   Now I think it is two layers above my pay grade.
>>> It seems to cover all the bases and it uses conventional physics.
>>> On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Edmund Storms <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> NO!!! That is not the issue Cold fusion produces He4 without radiation.
>>>> ***There have been some observances of radiation.  Not very much, but
>>>> some.
>>>>> Hot fusion produces a mixture of energetic fragments of He.These are
>>>>> two entirely different processes producing different products. The name is
>>>>> only used to distinguish between the two different processes.
>>>> ***I think I see where the difference lies.  Let's say we had a million
>>>> balloons all filled with air, and around those million balloons there is a
>>>> lattice of tinker toys such that each balloon is boxed in.  Now, in the
>>>> middle of all those balloons, you pop one of them.  Would you be able to
>>>> hear the explosion?  Probably not, because the emitted energy would be
>>>> absorbed by the lattice & other baloons.  Similarly, with billions of H
>>>> atoms trapped in Palladium lattices, when 2 of them fuse, the emitted
>>>> energy gets absorbed by the lattice.  That's how we end up with
>>>> transmutations.
>>>> But if you had a million balloons in a big room (with no tinker toy
>>>> lattice) and you exploded 50,000 of them at one time, would you hear the
>>>> explosion?  Yes.  The emitted energy would not be fully absorbed by the
>>>> surrounding matter, and indeed could even lead to further explosions &
>>>> emissions.  That's the difference between cold fusion (tinker toy lattice,
>>>> only very few fusion events) and hot fusion (no tinker toy lattice,
>>>> thousands of fusion events leading up to a large emission of energy).
>>>> Imposing the conclusions of hot fusion emitted energy onto cold fusion
>>>> emitted energy is where your observation loses its validity.

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