I mean by the mainstream relativists, "they" have got it wrong when "they" 
teach it

    On Monday, 17 July 2017, 22:58, ROGER ANDERTON 
<r.j.ander...@btinternet.com> wrote:

 all based on misunderstanding relativity due to translation errors as I shall 
point out in my next physics talks. 

    On Monday, 17 July 2017, 22:55, Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:

 On 7/17/17, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:
  Bremsstrahlung is associated with the slowing of  a charged
> particle which enters a substance at a velocity greater than the speed of
> light in the medium.
Velocity greater than C?  I thought there was nothing that could move
faster than C?  Except perhaps INFORMATION, i.e. tachyons and spooky
actions at a distance.



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