
C is a constant and is the speed of light in empty space.  Light  also 
propagates in various media at a speed always below C.  Particles may move at a 
higher velocity than light in a medium, but not in empty space—all this is 
standard physics today.

Bob Cook

From: Kevin O'Malley<>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

On 7/17/17, <> wrote:
  Bremsstrahlung is associated with the slowing of  a charged
> particle which enters a substance at a velocity greater than the speed of
> light in the medium.
Velocity greater than C?   I thought there was nothing that could move
faster than C?  Except perhaps INFORMATION, i.e. tachyons and spooky
actions at a distance.

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