Alexander Hollins wrote:

okay, WHERE was it published, is the big question.

At the Defense Intelligence Agency, document DIA-08-0911-003, like it says. Maybe I misunderstand this comment.

I suppose you mean WHERE on the web was it published. Nowhere as far as I know. We have lots of documents at LENR-CANR published by various government agencies, China Lake, BARC, the NCFI, various universities and so on, which were never published by them on the web. Only by me. Still, they are published. No one questions their pedigree or legitimacy. (No one, that is, except for some skeptical nutcases who claimed I foged them. As if I could forge thousands of pages of technical papers!)

I'm only saying that I think that's a valid option for them at the moment,
at least with regard to that document.

Valid, schmalid. It is just silly. If they don't want to believe this is a genuine document, that's their problem. They will never allow a link to a document like this anyway. They can't link to my copy (Wikipedia automatically rejects links to and they wouldn't want to link to Krivit's copy.

The latest comments on the wikipedia talk page are a little bit confusing,
to say the least.

They are. That's because Krivit uploaded a short message from the DIA to him, and to me, actually, asking us to remove the copy. That's kind of embarrassing and I was hoping the subject would not come up. Apparently it was not slated for full release until yesterday afternoon. I thought it was okay to upload. The cover letter said: "The paper is unclassified so feel free to forward it to whomever you think would be interested . . ." So I figured that's everyone in the world. I uploaded and informed the author. As I noted here, I asked the DIA for a better copy in Acrobat text format.

Anyway, yesterday before lunch they told me it was not fully, 100% released yet so please remove it. After lunch they sent another message saying don't worry, everything is fine now, leave it. That message was copied to various people in the DIA so I am sure it is okay.

(By the way, they said they can't provide it in Acrobat text format. A shame.)

- Jed

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