Japan's coming collapse is becoming quietly accepted by strategic investors.  
After 20 years of little or no growth, despite massive Keynes-style stimulus,  
they may run out of any ability to borrow.  You can't borrow from future 
generations and then fail to give birth to future generations to pay it off.  A 
Thelma and Louise ending is rushing towards them.
I believe Japan is showing us that demographics are much more important than 
most economists are admitting.  It makes me sick to hear an endless parade of 
pundits talk about economies as if they were a set of financial metrics to be 
adjusted for success, without talking about technology (yes, robots!.... and 
much more) and social science.
Much as I like Asimo,  I think stem cell regeneration therapies are a more 
efficient solution.
The social trend of childlessness is manifest across Europe and Russia and even 
a few Muslim countries, not just Japan. The US economy hasn't created any net 
jobs in 9 years and globally, there is a dangerous assumption that more money 
creation will stimulate growth.  Without dramatic technological change and 
with slipping demographics, I say there may be nothing to stimulate into stable 
And energy?  How many people are even aware that a return to robust growth is 
simply impossible, regardless of stimulus because it would trigger a rise in 
oil prices that would cut off said expansion.  And alternatives?  Not if they 
use lots of rare earth metals, because China controls 97% of rare earth supply, 
doesn't have enough for themselves and mines take years to open.
Am I hoping for a miracle?  Heck, yes!


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