You (and people like you) really dont get it. This mailing list is about people discussing topics of different kinds, among them, e.g., LENR as well as Rossi. As long as there is doubt (on either side of the coin, i.e., either pro or contra) there have to be discussions, i.e., people allow other people to think and interpret the things they see and tell the rest how they see it and what they make of it. This is already the point, where you are being lost, as your behavior clearly shows! I could also translate this to such a simple concepts as "freedom of speech" and "live and let live" that you don't seem to get. The way that you try to push your opinions (because it is nothing more than that despite your saying otherwise) down our throats is just disgusting. I (and I think, although I myself am pretty new to this group, can speak for the rest here) have absolutely nothing against people who think otherwise on any topic, on the contrary! It is especially this process of at first disagreeing on a topic, then each person making their point with _constructive arguments_, then again letting the other person react to your arguments and so on, which creates a productive and constructive environment for new thoughts and theories that could actually be able to explain everything that is going on (because rarely a topic is just black and white!). In contrast to that, you stop at your very first thought (no matter if it is positive or negative, I am adressing both kind of people), you just leave absolutely no room for any kind of interpretation / doubt / whatsoever. And therefore its just not science. Its just some stupid blather which doesn't do anyone any good (except probably your self-inflated egoes). So just get off here, we really really really (have I said "really"?) have read what your thoughts are, more often than we actually care. And, believe it or not: We took notice! And, again, believe it or not: Most of the people already took notice a long time before you arrived here.


Oh I am sorry.
I forgot that Rossi is such an honest man that he would of course have put the temperature probe inside the "pressure cooker"

*From:* Andre Blum <>
*Sent:* Sunday, 22 January 2012 11:48 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi blog


On 01/22/2012 07:45 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
This is were you clearly crossed the line. Get some air and do something else besides insulting people and repeating yourself!


You are not very bright are you Jed.

*From:* Jed Rothwell <> <>
*To:* John Milstone <> <>
*Sent:* Sunday, 22 January 2012 10:09 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi blog

John Milstone < <>> wrote:

    If the water was at 5 to 10 bars, it could easily be heated to
    150 - 180 C. in the preheating process. At that point, being
    wrapped up in that massive insulation blanket, it would stay
    over 100 C for hours.

There was a TC in the reactor. It measured over 100 deg C, but not 150 to 180 deg C.

Also, in that scenario, the surface temperature of the reactor would be very hot when the internal temperature reached 180 deg C,then it would gradually cool down. That is not in evidence. The surface temperature was measured several times. It did not vary much.

- Jed

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