Creating cesium vapor is easier said than done.

This way may be the least expensive way to do it.

>From this reference on page 60

Cesium Source Materials

   1. Titanium:Cesium Chromate Dispenser

The first generation UM dispenser cathodes contained a bi-metallic compound
made of titanium powder and cesium chromate (Ti:CrCs2O4) mixed at a 5:1
ratio and hand pressed into small pellets. At a temperature of 425°C the
chromate reacts with titanium leaving free cesium in the dispenser cavity.

This may fit in with your design since chromium and titanium are
non-reactive in what you are doing.

* *

* *

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

> **
> Axil, thanks mucho.  You've given me a lot to chew on.  This will take me
> a while to intergrate all your design guidelines.  These are the kinds of
> design directions that I would like to hear more of.
> Already, I've figured out a way to integrate your "double wall" design.
> This was something that did not cross my mind.  Your input bringing this to
> my attention is very helpful.  I've been struggling a little bit on how to
> improve convection and flow inside the reactor and frankly, your novel
> double wall design did not enter my mind.  Thanks
> Now, I need to figure out a way to integrate an adjustable powder plate
> and think of a way to include a transparent glass for viewing.
> Keep it coming.  I appreciate it.
> Jojo
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Axil Axil <>
> *To:*
> *Cc:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:41 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Rydberg matter and the leptonic monopol
> JoJo:
> Sorry for taking so long, but I wanted to think about my response for a
> while.
> This maybe a lot more feedback then you ever wanted, it so … apologies.
> You need not take this following design whole cloth; it is an attempt to
> describe some design priorities I think are important.
> The vertical cylinder is a good design because it is best to confine high
> pressure hydrogen. You cannot find a square hydrogen tank.
> Temperature control inside the reactor is important. Your reactor should
> include a number of heat zones.  Experimentally, it is important to know
> how hot each zone gets. If you don’t do this you are flying blind. Without
> knowing what is going on inside your reactor in detail, it will be hard to
> determine if you are making progress.
> The more debugging tools that you can come up with, the more progress you
> will make in the long run.
> One zone would be close to the spark.  Another would be on the powder;
> finely, the coldest part of the cylinder (where it contacts the steam)
> where condensation of the catalyst might take place.
> I would include a transparent window that lets through visible light and
> infrared radiation in your design.  Place it in a convenient location on
> the surface of the cylinder… maybe at its top… where you can see all or at
> least most of these zones. This will allow you to remotely measure their
> temperature somehow, say with an infrared thermometer.
> Design the experimental reactor so that you can clean the inside of the
> window. It is no good having a window if you can’t see through it.
> Include a thin walled pipe axially positioned inside the cylinder to act
> as a chimney. Hot gas will rise up the pipe to the top of the cylinder, and
> then the gas will cool at the top of the cylinder then descend down the
> exterior side of the pipe between that exterior pipe wall and the inside
> surface of the cylinder. The gas will be further cooled by the inside
> surface of the cylinder if its outside surface is in contact with water
> and/or steam.
> This double wall configuration will establish a strong circular convective
> gas flow between hot zones and cold zones.
> Place the spark at the bottom of the pipe. Next place the catalyst near
> the spark covering the surface of a flat half ring. High heat is needed to
> vaporize the catalyst completely.
> The catalyst is initially in the form of a hydride and must vaporize. The
> flat ring (called the catalyst ring) is located on one side of the wall of
> the pipe. It should be positioned so that you can see the spark from the
> top of the cylinder. The flat half ring will allow you to see the spark
> through the hole in the ring. The spark should produce enough heat to
> vaporize the catalyst.
> The powder should also be placed on a half ring.  This flat ring (called
> the powder ring) is located on the other side of the wall of the pipe
> opposite the catalyst ring. It should be positioned so that you can see
> both the spark and the catalyst ring through the window. This flat half
> ring will allow you to see the spark through the hole in the ring.
> The powder ring should be adjustable such that the distance from the spark
> can be varied.
> JoJo Jaro said: *I will be including all elements suggested as catalyst -
> ie iron, carbon, copper, tungsten, sodium,  potassium and cesium,
> although cesium might be harder to acquire.*
> IMHO, the catalyst used should vaporize at least in part or completely.
> The operational temperature of your reactor should be high enough to keep
> the catalyst vaporized.
> For example, the potassium catalyst type reactor should operate at about
> 600C.
> Put elements that don’t vaporize in with the powder, if you don’t the
> catalyst and the powder cannot interact.
> Don’t use magnetic fields, they might kill the reaction and be very
> careful of radiation exposure.
> Don’t exceed safe hydrogen pressures during catalyst hydride vaporization.
> Best Regards: Axil
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
>> **
>> Axil, Excellent series of posts on Rydberg Matter.  Very informative.
>> Thanks.  I now have a better understanding.
>> My question centers on speculation about how Rossi might be creating
>> Rydberg matter of Cesium or Potassium as you speculate.  Tell me if my
>> speculation makes sense.
>> In Rossi's earlier reactor design, I speculate he had a cylindrical
>> reactor with a wire in the middle which he subjects to high voltage.  The
>> high voltage creates sparks.  The high voltage may have been applied at a
>> specific frequency.  I suspect the high voltage applied at just the right
>> frequency would create tons of and tons of Rydberg matter via sparking.  I
>> am thinking that if the frequency were too low, there would not be enough
>> Rydberg matter created.  If the frequency were too high, it would possibly
>> create a too high localized temperature to "cook" and melt the nickel
>> powder rendering its nanostructures inert thereby killing the LENR
>> reactions.  I'm thinking the trick is to find out the right amount of
>> sparking - enough to create tons of Rydberg matter but not too much to melt
>> the nickel nanostructures.  It would also be important to design the heat
>> and convective flow inside the reactor to properly distribute the heat.
>> With this cylindrical setup, the nickel powder would be "bunching" at the
>> bottom of the cylindrical reactor.  Applying repeated sparking onto this
>> pile would increase the chances of melting the nickel nanostructure due to
>> increased localized high temperatures due to sparking.  This would explain
>> Rossi's quiescence problem.  He can only apply sparks for so long till
>> the Ni powders would melt.
>> To solve this quiescense problem, Rossi had to figure out how to
>> distribute the sparks over a wider area - basically he has to spread the
>> nickel powder.  I believe this is what prompted Rossi to design his "FAT
>> Cat" design.  If I remember correctly, his home E-Cat was shaped like a
>> laptop with the reactor itself being only 20x20x1 cm in dimensions.  This
>> is essentially two metal plates separated by a thin layer of pressurized
>> hydrogen.  The nickel is spread out thinly over the surface of the plate.
>> He then subjects the plates to high voltage to create sparks.  He controls
>> the amount of sparks by varying the frequency of the high voltage.  If he
>> needs more reaction, he increases the frequency of the sparks creating more
>> Rydberg matter to catalyze more reactions.  If he lowers the amount of
>> sparks, he lowers the reaction rate.  Spreading the Ni powder would also
>> have the effect of spreading the heat thereby minimizing the chances of too
>> high localized temperatures.
>> In DGT's design, they have cylindrical reactors machined from a big block
>> of steel.  I believe they would then put a wire in the middle just like
>> Rossi's original design.  (I believe that the purpose of the "window" in
>> DGT's test reactors is to observe the sparks during testing.)  DGT
>> minimized the quiescene problem by using Ni sparingly and spreading it  out
>> over a longer cylindrical reactor.  Rossi's cylindrical reactor was short
>> and fat, hence his Ni powder would be bunched up in the bottom.  DGT's
>> cylindrical design was longer and thinner, thereby spreading the Ni powder,
>> minimizing quiescense as they claimed.
>> To me this appears to be evident.  I believe part of the electronics in
>> Rossi's blue control box is electronics for controlling the sparking rate,
>> which he calls "RF".
>> So basically, I think you may be right about Rydberg matter.  I think the
>> strategy is to design a reactor that would subject the Ni and catalyst mix
>> to sparks promoting the creation of Rydberg matter.  Then make sure that
>> there is sufficient turbulence inside the rreactor to agitate and blow the
>> powder all over thereby minimizing the chances of "cooking" the powder
>> while simultaneously increasing the chances of a chance encounter
>> between the Rydberg matter catalyst and the Ni nuclei.
>> So, essentially, I think the secret is sparks with lots of  turbulent
>> mixing. I have designed a new reactor setup to try out these ideas.  I will
>> have a horizontal cylindrical reactor with a "stripped" spark plug
>> electrode as the high voltage source.  I will then drive this spark plug
>> with an Ignition coil actuated by a Power MOSFET driven by the PWM output
>> of my MF-28 data acquisition module.  I will program the sparking frequency
>> by controlling the rate of PWM output.  (Later on, I will program a
>> feedback mechanism to lower the sparking rate if the temperature gets too
>> high.)  The trick would then be to find the right amount of sparking for
>> the highest amount of heat production.  To increase chances of success, I
>> will be including all elements suggested as catalyst - ie iron, carbon,
>> copper, tungsten, sodium,  potassium and cesium, although cesium might be
>> harder to acquire.
>> What do you think of my plan?
>> Once again, thanks for sharing your theoretical understanding so that we
>> engineers can build and do the experiments.
>> Jojo
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Axil Axil <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 21, 2012 4:31 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Rydberg matter and the leptonic monopol
>> Hi Bob,
>> Much thanks for your interest in this post.
>> In order to answer your question properly, it’s going to take some time…
>> so be patient.
>> I will respond in a series of posts.
>> Post #1
>> Bob Higgins asked: “Rydberg hydrogen has a very loosely bound electron”.
>> Axil answers:
>> Besides hydrogen, many other elements and even various chemical compounds
>> can take the form of Rydberg matter.
>> For example in the Rossi reactor, I now suspect that the ‘secret sauce’
>> that Rossi tells us catalyzes his reaction is cesium in the form of Rydberg
>> matter. I say this because of the 400C internal operating temperature range
>> that Rossi says his reactor operates at.
>> If this internal operating temperature is actually 500C, then the reactor
>> may be hot enough for his secret sauce to be potassium based Rydberg matter.
>> Bob Higgins asked: “With such large orbitals as Rydberg electrons
>> occupy, how can such a phenomenon be considered inside a nickel lattice?”
>> Axil answers:
>> This Rydberg matter never gets inside the lattice of the micro powder.
>> This complex crystal can grow very large (1). It sits on the surface of the
>> pile of micro-powder where under the influence of its strong dipole moment,
>> coherent electrostatic radiation of just the right frequency lowers the
>> coulomb barrier of the nickel nuclei.
>> Because this is an electrostatically mediated reaction, only the surface
>> of the nickel micro-grain is affected. The electromagnetic field cannot
>> penetrate inside the nickel grain.
>> But this field does penetrate deeply in and among the various grains of
>> the pile of powder to generate a maximized reaction with every grain
>> contributing.
>> The electrostatic radiation of this dipole moment catalyzes the fusion
>> reaction. In detail, this strong dipole moment lowers this coulomb barrier
>> of the nuclei of the nickel just enough to allow a entangled proton cooper
>> pair to tunnel inside the nickel nucleus, but not enough to allow the
>> nickel atoms of the lattice to fuse.
>> Micro powder allows for a large surface area relative to the total volume
>> of nickel. More surface area allows for more cold fusion reaction. This is
>> why the use of micro powder is a breakthrough in cold fusion technology.
>> On page 7 of the reference, this aspect of the experiment is revealing:
>> “In order to complete the story of transformation, we should consider
>> this problem: where does the transformation take place, either throughout
>> the whole space of the explosion chamber or only in the plasma channel? To
>> answer this question, we carried out experiments with uranium salts (uranyl
>> sulfate, UO2SO4) [3].”
>> The answer that they found was as follows: throughout the whole space of
>> the explosion chamber.
>> This is to be expected because the coherent dipole moment of Rydberg
>> matter is extremely strong and long ranged.  It is like an electromagnetic
>> laser beam that can exert its influence over a distance of centimeters.
>> (1) LeClair said he saw the size of one of his crystals as large as a few
>> centimeters.
>> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Bob Higgins <>wrote:
>>> Nice posts on the Rydberg effects, Axil.  I like reading them.  Please
>>> continue posting them.  But, I am confused.  Could you can help me
>>> understand these questions:
>>> Rydberg hydrogen has a very loosely bound electron.  How would these
>>> Rydberg electrons survive high temperature phonon collisions without the
>>> atom becoming ionized and as a result breaking up the condensate?
>>> With such large orbitals as Rydberg electrons occupy, how can such a
>>> phenomenon be considered inside a nickel lattice?  The electron orbitals
>>> would extend greater than the nickel lattice spacing.  Other condensates
>>> are possible, but why would you think these are Rydberg?  While we know
>>> that the LENR appears to happen at the surface, and it also appears to
>>> require support from within the lattice (loading) - so it sounds like some
>>> kind of condensate effect is needed within the lattice.
>>> In the NanoSpire case, it is not clear how the H-O-H-O- crystals that
>>> form are Rydberg.  What evidence supports this?  They may be some kind of
>>> condensate, but not necessarily Rydberg.
>>> The large dipole moments you describe would certainly make it easy for
>>> the Rydberg atoms to couple to other atoms electronically and form a
>>> condensate from that coupling.  However, I don't see how that strong dipole
>>> provides support for the charge evidence that you described from
>>> NanoSpire.  Can you explain that a little more?
>>> *On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> *
>>>  Rydberg matter and the leptonic monopol
>>>>> This post is third in the series on Rydberg matter which includes as
>>>>> follows:
>>>>> Cold Fusion Magic Dust
>>>>> Rydberg matter and cavitation

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