Memetics explains well what you say/feel.
We live in memecracies- the word is in the English dictionary.
On my blog I wrote about the possibility to increase a lot the immunity
about memes, first of all killer memes as those of hatred, violence,
unlimited greed etc. The people with brains protected against memes are the
Bisinisencephalians- it is a metaphor for brains that do not absorb
damaging ideas.
Unfortunately in Europe due to the   prolonged  Crisis and to the practice
of "austerity" that hits the basic human feature called "loss aversion"
the worst memes from the history are returning massively. Democracy is
under siege.
Please take this as a personal message.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 7:17 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:

> It is very difficult to expend the energy required to modify ones deeply
> held convictions.  Many years and difficult study have allowed the
> scientist to develop their understanding of how the world operates and they
> honestly believe that they are correct in their thinking.  This set of
> feelings is further enhanced by the group thinking that most of their
> colleagues engage in.
> Now, something such as cold fusion comes along which challenges these
> beliefs and they tend to dismiss it without much effort.  This behavior is
> totally understandable.  Why waste so much of their precious effort and
> time just to reprove to themselves that they were correct all along?  It is
> tiring and not necessary for them to perform this process when they most
> likely suspect that the same issues will reappear as time progresses.
> I suspect that a well defined experiment that can not be refuted might
> begin the process of reevaluation of a scientist beliefs.  The analysis of
> this new data set should not require much time or effort from the skeptic
> since he would rather dismiss the new data than to waste his
> valuable resources.
> Had Rossi run his experiments for days instead of hours we might not be
> where we are today still trudging thorough the fog of proof.  Most of the
> people following this list know the score, but unfortunately we are in a
> small minority.  I just hope that the time between now and the future earth
> changing developments in LENR is compressed.
> Deeply held thoughts are difficult to extract but it can happen.  We must
> make our best efforts toward exposing the merits of LENR for the general
> public.
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Jojo Jaro <>
> To: Vortex <>
> Sent: Sun, May 27, 2012 4:14 am
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
>  The parallel between Hot fusion and Darwinian Evolution is not in the
> theory per se, but in how people treat each theory.
> It has become a religion to their respective adherents,   There is no
> other truth to them.  Nothing you say will change their minds.  Parks will
> never consider any evidence of Cold Fusion and I suspect Jed will never
> consider any evidence of Intelligent Design.  Parks will persecute any
> adherent of Cold Fusion by mockery and ridicule and labelling them quack
> pseudoscientists.  I suspect Jed does the same.
> The parallel is clear, and the behavior is the same.  The sooner we
> realize that this is a religiious movement, the sooner will can understand
> why people will not accept any evidence for Cold Fusion.  Adherents of
> respective theories must slowly die away for the paradigm to shift to new
> thinking.  Old adherents have too much to loose by changing their minds
> now.  They will stick it out to the end despite the daily acculumation of
> piles of evidence to the contrary.
> It is futile to expect old adherents to accept "Tritium Evidence"  or any
> other evidence for that matter, just as it is futile for me to expect Jed
> to accept any "DNA Information" evidence pointing to Intelligent Design.
> Jojo
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Guenter Wildgruber <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, May 26, 2012 6:02 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
>   ------------------------------
> *Von:* Jojo Jaro <>
> *An:*
> *Gesendet:* 11:17 Samstag, 26.Mai 2012
> *Betreff:* [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
> There appears to be...
> #########################################
> Jojo,
> ...My goal in brining up this discussion is to try to draw a parallel
> between what is happening with Hot Fusion and Darwinian Evolution Theory ...
> -----------------
> My take::
> -----------------
> The immediate connection is not clear to me.
> 'Hot fusion' seems to be an established fact to me. Will say: It happens
> within our observing distance.
> The question is whether it can be brought down to earth, so to say.
> Which a technical issue, and NOT an epistemological or even scientific one.
> You say:
> ...
> In Darwinism or Neo-Darwinism thought, once again, there "appears" to be
> some "established" theories...
> ...
> Well.
> To connect LENR to Darwinism and then to intelligent design, seems dubious
> to me, to say the least.
> You say:
> ...
> Folks, there is a parallel here. We all have our pet "Hot Fusion" theories
> that we can not and will not deviate from.  For Parks, its Hot Fusion, for
> Jed, its Darwinian Evolution, for me, its Intelligent Design and
> Creationism.
> ...
> Well.
> Not all 'pet theories' are created equal.
> To Your excuse:
> Even Popper was confused at times wether 'Evolution' was a tautology or
> not, but retracted that.
> (A tautology is nonfalsifiable, and as such is not debatable, except as a
> -ahem- non-debatable axiom.
> The debatability of axioms is a serious issue, and ultimately can lead to
> the destruction of our human habitat, which I not really appreciate as an
> option.)
> The LENR issue commands our utmost attention!
> So please do not confuse the issue by crossreferencing it to 'Evolution',
> which is, without conclusive LOGICAL
> connection: UNSUBSTANTIAL!
> Guenther

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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