
therefore it is important to have the legislative and the jurisdictive on the 

The fact that it is not corrected, tells You a lot about how rotten the 
'system' is.

Bill Black calls this whole syndrome within the financials 'control fraud', but 
it is bigger than that.

Think of  parasites. Why are they parasites, and what distinguishes them from 

Lots of them reprogram their host.

Just as an arbitrary citation:

At the societal level it is mostly about hijacking society's essential memes.

I am quite astonished, that You, Jed, are not aware of that.

Having worked for about 7 years in behavioral physiology and biological 
cybernetics in an earlier life this is not news for me.


 Von: Jed Rothwell <>
Gesendet: 23:15 Mittwoch, 25.Juli 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:"Too Big to Fail" movie portrays institutional disaster

Unfortunately, most of them were not committing any crime. CDOs were not 
subject to any oversight or regulations in 2008. You cannot make laws 
retroactive. That is unconstitutional.


Many of these people were called before Congress and raked over the coals. On 
the other hand, they were paid $50 million a year and they they got to keep the 

This is infuriating. But what worries me about the future is that the problems 
have not been corrected.

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