
It should be "Yes, yes Axil". Before you tickle Axil: check out his post history. Axil is THE MAN. But do not feel embarrassed because vortex contributers frequently show excessive verbiage usually associated with wanna-be journalists up in funny smoke or medication.



<< Axil Axil
<Sun, 15 May 2011 15:31:38 -0700
<The temperature of the metal lattice is a measure of <kinetic energy between <its confined nickel atoms and directly proportional to the <compressive power <applied to the negative hydride ions entrapped in the <lattice defects by
<hydride compression.
<As the temperature of the nickel powder increases, the <efficiency of the
<nuclear reformation process applied to the H- ions <increases in direct
<proportion. In this way, increasing input temperature <increases output heat
<production in direct proportion as new elements are forms <from the H-
<feedstock. By increasing input heat, this increases the <kinetic energy <available to the nuclear reformation process which <produces the output of
<heat from the reactor.

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