My friend, if this is the only reason why you reject God and heaven, you are 
missing out on a lot of things.

We vorticians enjoy intellectual stimulation.  We debate arcane subject matters 
like "number of angels on the head of a pin." because we enjoy thinking, 
analysing, deep analysis and other mental and intellectual exercises.  And I 
think you do to.

The Bible talks of the "unsearchable riches of Christ".  So, imagine an 
existence where you can indulge in this exercise of seaching the unsearchable 
riches of Christ for eternity.  You will never finish searching everything 
there is to know.  To me, that would be an enjoyable existence.  One will not 
have time to dance, nor would one want to.  So, dancing would be the last thing 
you would want to. Although there is a form of dancing associated with praise 
and singing to worship God.  I am not referring to that; I am referring to 
carnal sexual dancing we indulge in.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
  Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:55 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]: The Absurdity of Darwinian Evolution.

  I would not want to live an eternity in heaven where dancing is frowned upon.


  My cousins are one-half Greek. The parties are memorable.



  Steven Vincent Johnson

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