And so says Peter Amstutz on 08/02/06 09:11...
> On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, Lalo Martins wrote:
>>> Yes... the main point of this thing is running python code, so I'd be
>>> using libpython anyway.  So I figured, the work of binding by hand would
>>> probably be less than figuring out how to integrate the swig bindings.
>>> Or in other words - why would I use the existing swig stuff?  :-)
> I think that you will find that in the long run that SWIG is much more
> maintainable that keeping up a set of bindings by hand.  First, since it
> generates them directly from the C++ API, you can avoid the situation
> where any change, no matter how small, causes the Python API to break.
> Second, complete coverage of the VOS APIs (including metaobjects) means
> wrapping dozens of classes and hundreds of method calls.  Do you really
> want to do that by hand?
> Anyways, the point is that you should take a closer look at SWIG if you
> haven't already.  A little bit of time spent learning how to use it will
> mean a huge time savings in the grunt work of actually setting up the
> code to interface each and every API call.

That's my point... those bindings serve a different purpose than the
swig bindings, and they're not *supposed* to wrap each and every API
call.  It's a much simpler, high-level interface.

The SWIG bindigns are a wrapper for the whole API.  AFAICS, there is no
way to take an existing Vobject from C++, turn it into a Python object,
and send it as an argument to a Python function.  SWIG simply doesn't do
this.  I may be wrong, but I couldn't find a way.  Rather, the python
code would create a new site, connect... and presumably receive URLs for
its arguments.  This is just silly.

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom       

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