> Would it be beneficial to come up with a list of "Standard Hacks" :-)

I think the idea is that you should stay away from hacks as much as
possible. One exception is the box model hack for IE5 and IE5.5 - but there
are a couple of different ways of doing that one, and which one you pick
depends on the particular problem you are having.

We generally don't resort to hacks unless not having them would cause
serious issues with the design. Even then, if it's possible to alter the
design to make it more "standards friendly" without detracting from the
look, then we try to do that. I think a lot of people (graphic designers
especially) overestimate the amount of attention that clients pay to detail
- they generally only look at the site in one browser anyway, so pixel
perfection across platforms is not usually necessary. I don't remember the
last time a Photoshop mockup looked exactly like the finished site...

Kay Smoljak
Senior Developer/QC Leader/Search Optimisation
PerthWeb Pty Ltd - http://www.perthweb.com.au/
Ph: 08 9226 1366 - Fax: 08 9226 1375 

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